Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Snow Day!!

Here's to days in the snow...building a snowman and dressing him up...Snowball fights...snow angels...building an igloo, or trying to...snow wrestling...sled riding...and finally, Hot Chocolate!! Joey and I are LOVING the snowy weather!!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Back to School

Just an update: We are back in Morgantown as of yesterday! Which means, back to school for both of us. Joey walked into school after a month+ break with ease. He loves pre-school and he LOVES Haley, his "girlfriend." They were playing by the time I left his school this morning and were still playing when I got back. She is such a sweet little girl!! Joey has made so many good friends at school and at home in Pittsburgh through good friends and family. On Thursday Joey will be enrolled in KINDERGARTEN! I can't believe it... I decided that he will be going to Eden Christian Academy in Wexford and that he will do full day kindergarten. We toured his "new school" a few weeks back and I know he is really excited about it!! Seems like yesterday that he was a baby and we spent the days at home together... It's bittersweet!! These are a few pictures of Joey when he and I moved to Morgantown and he 1st started Pre-School...

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Oh, Christmas tree..

Tradition around Xmas time in our family means hiking up a mountain and cutting down our own Christmas tree. Here are some new pictures of this year. This was the first time that Joey has been big enough to run around and really have fun with the snowy mountain. He even thought it was fun to "belly slide" like a penguin down the mountain. Who needs a sled?! I LOVE this age!! We waited this year for Aunt Anna and Aunt Allie to make it home to get the tree and it was very worth the wait...Aunt Anna decided to give Belly Sledding a try too!!!